Live Where You Love

Deb Perry
Deb Perry
9689114-SA00 UT
Ogden/South Ogden

In my previous life, I was an Auditor in public accounting then a Financial Controller. I am all about ETHICS, INTEGRITY and PROTECTING my clients assets... and your home is usually one of your greatest assets!

I have received my Global Luxury Designation and also have both my Pricing Strategy Advisor and Senior Real Estate Specialist designations. My passion for helping our elderly population runs deep especially after helping several family members and now clients through the "right"-sizing process.

I am also passionate about serving our community through volunteer work and participating in fundraisers. One of my personality traits is that I am an INCLUDER. My motto is to elevate ALL individuals, families and communities through home ownership.

But this is not about me! This is your journey! Are you ready to get started?


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